Gastric Balloon

Gastric Balloon

Gastric Balloon

The gastric balloon procedure is one of the most popular forms of bariatric surgery and is the least invasive of all bariatric surgeries.  The procedure is completely reversible.  At Gastric Surgery Cyprus we offer two options; the “Allergan” gastric balloon which can remain in place for up to 6 months or the “Spatz” gastric balloon which remains in situ for up to 12 months.

What Does the Gastric Balloon Procedure Involve?

With the gastric balloon there is no gastrointestinal tract reconstruction.

The unfilled gastric silicone balloon is inserted through the mouth into the stomach, using an endoscopic camera.    Once the balloon is in place it is filled with saline solution in order to  give the patient a feeling of fullness.  With the 12 month Spatz balloon it is possible to adjust the size of the balloon to increase or decrease the speed of weight loss.

The gastric balloon procedure appeals to patients that are looking for a temporary weight loss solution or those that may not meet the criteria for other gastric surgery procedures.


Although the operation to insert the gastric balloon is relatively straight forward, the first few weeks following the operation will require patience.  You will need to get used to a feeling of fullness in the stomach.  Some patients may experience symptoms such as nausea however these side effects can be easily treated with medication.

For the first few days you will be on a liquid only diet and then solid food will be gradually introduced into your diet.

Types of Gastric Balloon.

There are two systems available in our clinic – Allergan and Spatz gastric balloon.    The Allergan balloon is inserted for a period of 6 months, while the Spatz balloon can remain in the stomach for up to 12 months.    The Spatz ballon can be adjusted up or down during the 12 month period to optimise results.


It is common for gastric balloon patients to lose between 16% and 25% of their total body weight.  Provided that patients maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle after the balloon is removed, the weight loss should become permanent.

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0161 660 3318


00 90 533 840 5188

We have gained a 25-year reputation for excellence in patient safety, care, and customer satisfaction.

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    Why Choose Gastric Surgery Abroad?

    We have gained a 25-year reputation for excellence in patient safety, care, and customer satisfaction.

    Our nurses are highly trained in gastric surgery and patient aftercare is our top priority.

    Serene and luxury comfort make Cyprus the ideal destination for a gastric surgery holiday.